How to Take Care of Anubias Plants in Your Aquarium Properly.

Anubias is one of the best plants for aquariums because it is easy to care about and quite resistant. This type of water plant is from Africa and many types of species can adapt to various water habitats. For novices as well as regular aqua farmers, proper care and maintenance of the Anubias plant species will work to boost the aesthetic value of the fish tank that is, also provide a shelter for fishes and other kinds of water-dwelling creatures. 

How to Take Care of Anubias Plants in Your Aquarium Properly.

Below, you will find some important tips that will help you to take good care of your Anubias plants.

1. Lighting Requirements

Anubias plants substrate at depths with low to medium light requirements. Algae develop on the surface of the leaves and this can restrict light and air to the plant, hence IBS can cause lighting. Thus, it is better to take it with a softer light, an LED with a color temperature of about 6,500-7,500 K. 

These specifications simulate sunrays and therefore provide sufficient conditions that are suitable for Anubias cultivation. They should use about 8-10 hours of light per day depending on the locale of the aquarium as well as the lighting conditions.

How to Take Care of Anubias Plants in Your Aquarium Properly.

2. Water Conditions

Anubias is not very sensitive to the changes in water conditions. However, they are most suited to those that are in areas that have a pH of between 6.5 and 7.5, water temperatures of between 22°C and 28°C (72°F to 82°F), and dGH of 2 to 18. 

The water must be changed with some regularity because this encourages a good environment for the plants as well as the fish. Check water parameters often because the changes in the water condition affect the Anubias.

3. Substrate and Planting

Another interesting fact about Anubias is that it does not need substrate to perform its growth processes. However, it is advised that they are attached to the rocks, wood, or any ornaments in your aquarium. To anchor it down use a fishing line or super glue for aquatic plants which fixes the rhizome of the Anubias to the desired spot. 

Be very careful not to place the rhizome in the substrate too deep as this will result in rot and subsequently affect the plant.

How to Take Care of Anubias Plants in Your Aquarium Properly.

4. Fertilization

Although Anubias can Ellison in low nutrient conditions, appropriate nutrients will enhance growth, alongside bright green leaves. It might be wise to fertilize using an aquatic plant's liquid fertilizer but be careful this can lead to algae. 

However,nutrient-richh substrates can also be advantageous to Anubias if applied to the aquarium design as well. You may choose root tablets kept close to the root of the plant for a continuous release of nutrients.

5. Pruning and Maintenance

Even when kept indoors, Anubias requires certain caring so that the plant maintains its optimal looks and growth. Often, examine the leaves for signs of turning yellow or of having rotten parts of it. If you see any deteriorated foliage wash it off with clean scissors because it might have diseases that will spread. 

Trimming not only assists in maintaining the health of the plant but also promotes for formation of new branches. Moreover, the removal of algae deposited on the leaves is also effective in improving health and the rate of photosynthesis.

How to Take Care of Anubias Plants in Your Aquarium Properly.

6. Pest Control and Disease Prevention

Anubias plants are typically disease and pest-tolerant. Yet they may sometimes face such challenges as the presence of snails or algae. If green-blue spot purplish coloration appears and there is too much of it, then lighting or nutrients should be changed,onedDateTime. 

In pest control, one can hand-pick snails or introduce some natural enemies such as specific species of fish. It is wise also to isolate new fish, animals, or plants before adding them to the main tank to avoid the introduction of disease.

7. Choosing Companion Animals

When choosing fish or invertebrates to add to your Anubias, make sure that they are fish that will not harm the plants. Those fish that can live in a community include tetras, guppies, or rasboras for example. Also, shrimp and some kinds of snails can live with Anubias, contributing to algae regulation or making your aquarium more diverse.


What are the best conditions for Anubias?

Anubias aquarium plant grows best in water with the amount of light that ranges between low to moderate and it grows best in water with temperature ranging between 72-82° F (22-28° C). It prefers a slightly acidic to a neutral pH of 6.5-7.5 in its water and can be substrate planted or can be put on rocks or driftwood.

Is Anubias good for an aquarium?

Yes, I recommend Anubias for aquariums because the plant is strong and does not require much caring for. It serves as an ornament and serves as a home for fish and other creatures of the water family.

How long does Anubias take to grow?

Anubias grows best in 4 to 6 weeks of optimal care and is readily identifiable when such changes have occurred. But, certain species may fully mature for a few months and this will mostly depend on the circumstances of the habitat.


Anubias aquarium plants require proper care to ensure they beautify your aquarium, as well as, support the life of fish and other aquatic wildlife. With proper lighting, water conditions, and feeding your anubias the proper nutrients while monitoring their health, one can have this stunning plant in your aquarium for many years.

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